Saturday, May 28, 2016

LGBT Rights to the Rescue!

As I'm sure you are aware we are having a bit of a dust-up here in Nor-Ca-lina about some ridiculous "bathroom law" passed by a bunch of blow-in Charlotte leftists elected by semi-literate minorities and know-nothing kids. The ordinance said anyone who "identifies" as this sex or that (regardless of biology) is entitled to use facilities designated for the sex they happen to identify with at any given moment. So a 40 year old man could waltz into the ladies changing area at Belks and if challenged simply state he identifies as a female and that's it, there would be nothing anyone could do legally or otherwise.
Now, in the State of North Carolina municipal government is a creature of state government. Everything they do is at the pleasure of the State. So the Legislature passed a bill (HB2) and the Governor signed into law a measure that said no individual shall use a facility unless said individual was of the sex so designated. This means that if you have a penis you are restricted to male facilities and if you don't then vis versa. True "transgendered" individuals who have undergone reassignment surgery would use facilities for the sex they have been "reassigned" to (I know, very confusing). Now keep in mind this is for PUBLIC facilities, not private. Some Triangle software company full of Queer Nation and Bash Back members could do what they like up to and including pissing out the window (presumably) if they like.
But apparently that ain't good enough for our progressives. Their position can best be illustrated by a recent Charlotte Observer editorial in which this was all equated to the Civil Rights struggles of the 60s and furthermore it is every 10 year old girl's duty to get used to male genitalia. "This is what the Obama administration nudged the rest of the country toward Friday. Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined."
As you might suppose "overcoming (the) discomfort" of knowing my daughter is behind closed doors with a grown man who at best is mentally disturbed and at worst a predator requires a bit more than a "nudge". And the idea that Obama's edict was just a "nudge" is ludicrous. It's full blown Federal Government intimidation.
But for me this represents a larger point, and that point is our cowardly conservative leadership. This is a HUGE opportunity! It's really huge, you wouldn't believe how huge it is. They should jump all over this "chicks with dicks" protection ordinance. Social issues are where Dems win because there is rarely any pushback as recently illustrated by our Senators Burr and Tillis (GOPe pussies). I don't give a rat's behind how "progressive" someone thinks they are, when their 14 year old daughter is in the loo with Ted Bundy they're going to go apeshit. Catch something like that on camera and the game is over. But sit back and let the progressives control the narrative, we lose and we lose ugly. But lest we forget, North Carolina is a "purple" state. So if you think this isn't all election year politics you are a naive fool and Senator Burr (the pussy) might want to give you a job.

Read more here:

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